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You can reach these special guests featured in this video at the following:
Chris Schaefer:,
Dale Richardson:,
Dr. William Makis, MD:, https://makismd.substack,com,
Dr. Roger Hodkinson:
Dr. Eric Payne:,
Freedom TV
Freedom TV is your portal to the latest content from and for the Freedom Community. Opinions and research from experts and laymen alike have all been subject to extreme levels of censorship from governments and Big Tech for years. We value debate and diversity of opinion, and so do our viewers.
Freedom is Not Free
This series is dedicated to the many freedom fighters out there who have a cause they believe in and are willing to lay it all on the line to get their message heard. Although censorship has been going on for years, the worldwide Covid lockdowns of 2020 really kickstarted the vocal movement of protests, boycotts, and independent journalists trying to get the message out to their target audiences. The parallel economy starts here.
About this EPISODE
On June 24, 2023 we hosted our first AGM (Annual General Meeting) at the Danish Canadian Club and invited some key health and wellness industry professionals to speak at our inaugural event. It was a huge success and enjoyed by all who attended.
About this Episode
Enjoy this private video that is hosted on our website at for the benefit of our valued members.
Our guests included three high profile Alberta doctors who are outspoken leaders in the medical profession against the Covid19 protocols and gene therapy treatments being touted as the final solution to the recent health crisis.
Dr. William Makis
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Dr. Eric Payne
We also heard from some other freedom lovers rallying in support of your freedoms.
Chris Schaefer
Dale Richardson
Kenisha Mei
Misty Wind
Dee Dee Knapton
and our show MC, Dominique Fournier.
Dr. William Makis, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Eric Payne, Chris Schaefer, Dale Richardson, Kenisha Mei, Misty Wind, Dee Dee Knapton, MC Dominique Fournier. Recorded by ThoughtWurx | Space Central TV
Danish Canadian Club, Calgary, AB, Canada on June 24, 2023
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