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Freedom TV
Freedom TV is your portal to the latest content from and for the Freedom Community. Opinions and research from experts and laymen alike have all been subject to extreme levels of censorship from governments and Big Tech for years. We value debate and diversity of opinion, and so do our viewers.
Freedom is Not Free
This series is dedicated to the many freedom fighters out there who have a cause they believe in and are willing to lay it all on the line to get their message heard. Although censorship has been going on for years, the worldwide Covid lockdowns of 2020 really kickstarted the vocal movement of protests, boycotts, and independent journalists trying to get the message out to their target audiences. The parallel economy starts here.
About this EPISODE
We will explore what "science" means, first and foremost, and then apply that to dogmas surrounding contagion and infection.
This lecture was presented at the 2022 Spring Bible Conference held by Berean Bible Church each year in late April. Dr, Jordan Grant discusses the scientific method, inductive vs. deductive reasoning, germ theory vs. terrain theory, pleomorphism, logic fallacies, Event 201, the history of "viral isolation" and the lack of evidence for the existence of any pathogenic virus. The recent Covid19 event has awakened the masses to the fraudulent nature of modern virology and by extension, lockdowns, face masks, mandates, and vaccines.
Note: Space Central did NOT record this event but reposted the video from YouTube given the relative importance of the recent so-called health crisis on society