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Video Library Index
Conservatizing Municipal Councils and School Boards Slideshow for Manitoba Stronger Together Conference
This promo video was created by Benita Pedersen and edited, musically scored, and compiled at the ThoughtWurx | SpaceCentral Studios facility for presentation at the Manitoba Stronger Together Conference in June 2024.
Jayman Air-Born 360 Demo on Virtual Green Screen Set
This is an internal-use demo video prepared for Jayman Built and featuring Mike Laprairie demonstrating how the new Air-Born 360 drone video technology combined with Matterport, and virtual green screen technology can be used weekly to showcase active listings and projects to prospects, clients, and brokers alike.
Voice of Hope Chapel - 2024-04-07 - Sunday Service
On April 14, 2024, we hosted and recorded live our second Sunday Service production of the Voice of Hope Chapel at our studio space in the CIBN | Space Central studios in Calgary. We hope you enjoy this enhanced version of the original broadcast that went out live to Facebook.
Voice of Hope Chapel - 2024-04-07 - Sunday Service
On April 7, 2024, we hosted and recorded live our first Sunday Service production of the Voice of Hope Chapel at our studio space in the CIBN | Space Central studios in Calgary. We hope you enjoy this enhanced version of the original broadcast that went out live to Facebook.
Freedom Summit Town Hall - Calgary 2023-09-13
On September 13, 2023 we hosted a fantastic group of Freedom fighter guests for a sold out crowd at the beautiful Cardell Theatre in Calgary. We invited some key health and wellness industry professionals and other special guests to speak at this Freedom Summit. It was a huge success!