Private On-Demand Flexible Communal Space by Subscription
We have multiple streams of advertising revenue where you can share in up to 50% of the monthly fees.

Advertising Revenue
Have you ever wondering why you see so many advertisements for every product or service imaginable? ANSWER: Advertising works. We are developing several lucrative methods whereby we can share in the hundreds of billions of dollars of advertising spent by the millions of businesses each year whose ads you are watching for free!
Isn't it time that you got paid to watch?
Joint Venture Project Specifics
This JVRP is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to earn revenue stream royalties from a wide variety of programs we have available and many which have yet to be conceived. As a JVRP member you may be tasked with selling the ads to clients, placing the ads to the various venues, doing the accounting work to allocate the revenue to the JVRP stakeholders, and writing reports to summarize the results. Your task assignment will be decided upon based on your interest and skill set.
The first advertising stream we are pleased to announce is the plastic placard cards that will be mounted on the upright post of the various e-scooters we utilize within the facility and the Scooter Joint Venture program. Each ad will sell for $200/month to the advertiser. You will share pro-rata in the program based about your financial contribution to the pool. We seek a minimum $500 capital contribution to participate in this JVRP. Additional contributions of $100 can be made at any time.
Your capital will be used to design and print the placards, install them on the scooters, and advertise the client on this website and various social media portals operated by Space Central.
An example of the advertisement is shown in the gallery below. Space Central will be shown on one side of the card and the advertiser on the other. QR codes direct readers to the site and the advertiser to help each promote their business.
Your Royatly Calculation
Your pro-rated royalty of 50% of the ad revenue is your reward for providing us with your labor and time required to manage this JVRP. Note that your royalty will be ongoing whenever a monthly ad subscription is required. For one-time buys, your royalty will also be one-time.
As new ad streams are added to this JVRP, you will also share in those streams on a pro-rata basis. Earnings may be paid out or re-contributed to the JVRP to increase your pro-rated share. Thus, the larger your capital injection, the greater will be your share of the collective royalties. Total JVRP participation and pro-rata shares are rebalanced each month.
Joint Venture Project Gallery
How to Participate
All Joint Venture Revenue Pool participants must be a member of Space Central in order to share in the revenue stream of this opportunity.
Please create a FREE account user name and password if you haven't done so already, visit the membership page to understand the options available to you, select the membership that is most suitable for your needs, then enroll as a member with your selected option. You will then gain access to many hidden pages including the revenue sharing reports and unique metrics exclusive to this JVRP opportunity.
Commit to at least 1 scooter ($750 + tax + credit card fees as applicable), and you will receive a coupon code for 50% off the monthly membership fees of your choice for as long as you remain a JVRP participant. HURRY: This offer expires at the end of this month.
NOTE: as a member, you will also tap into our loyalty program and additional revenue sharing streams including the 20% bonus allocation from this JVRP that we contribute to the profit sharing plan available to all members. YES, you will earn even more money from this project than just a pro-rata revenue share based on your contribution!
"Membership does have its privileges!"